Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Story of How One Small Business Created a Powerful Talent Pipeline

The Story of How One Small Business Created a Powerful Talent PipelineThe Story of How One Small Business Created a Powerful Talent PipelineThe Story of How One Small Business Created a Powerful Talent Pipeline DeZubeFor most small companies, finding talent when the need arises is a huge challenge. Not so for Chartwell Agency, an integrated communications firm in Rockford, Illinois. The nine-person gruppe has developed a recruiting method that manages to keep candidates interestedeven when there are no available job openings. Chartwells team approach to hiring helps keep their talent pipeline stocked and at the ready. In fact, Chartwell now has a database of up to dozens of possible candidates. As a result, theyve been able to fill roles beinahe with employees who have the skills to get the job done with people whose personality fits their company culture.In our business, things change rapidly and we often need to fill a position quickly. Having folks in the pipeline allows us to alm ost immediately fill the role, says Chartwell President Rebecca Epperson.The companys three-step approach to vet candidates keeps the entire company focused on recruiting. Their methodology could be a great fit at your company as well.Start with a friendly meet and greetHeres how the process begins. When the company receives a resume, its deemed a fit or no-fit based on years of experience and qualifications. If it gets a thumbs up, a member of the management team schedules a get-to-know-you meeting or conversation with the candidate. This initial chat helps Chartwell learn more about the candidates capabilities and assess if theyre a good cultural fit.That fit is a two-way street between candidate and company. To help the candidate determine for themselves if theyre a match, the Chartwell team member paints a clear picture of what its like to work at the company a fast-paced environment where team camaraderie is big. They also point out the qualities that make Chartwell a unique pl ace to work. Why discuss this so early on in the process? Its a great way to landsee how individuals respond. Was the candidate engaged during the conversation? Were they enthused and interested? A lot can be determined over a cup of coffee or an informal conversation, Epperson says.If this initial meeting raises any yellow or red flags, the process ends then and there. If the candidate scored highbut there are no immediate openings at the companythe applicant is put into the companys pipeline (more about that later.)Another way that Chartwell decides who makes the cut is to ask candidates to take a test. They complete three strategic writing exercises that demonstrate their writing style, quality of work, strategic ideas and approach. Those who dont complete the workor dont complete it on timedont get into the pipeline.Then introduce top candidates to the teamApplicants who pass the writing test are then invited to interviewwith the Chartwell management team as part of a group inte rview. This conversation builds on the initial interview and goes into greater detail on expectations and the company culture. Targeted questions are asked to further assess the candidates strengths and weaknesses.But the interview process doesnt end there. The rest of the team conducts an offsite interview in a group setting in a more casual environmentusually over breakfast or lunch outside the office.While that may sound like overkill, the process allows the entire team to weigh in and assess if the candidate will be a good fit. If everyone feels comfortable with the person, and a position is open, Chartwell makes an offer.Because the hiring is conducted by everyone in our company, we all have a vested interest in hiring the right personand enabling their success once we bring them on, says Epperson.Keep the best candidates warmChartwell understands the importance of maintaining a talent pipeline, even when theres no immediate position open. In fact the company has successfully k ept individuals in their pipeline for over a year. The key is to stay in touch, build a relationship, and follow up when a position becomes available.The task of communicating with pipeline candidates is assigned to the team member that the position will report to. The company regularly reaches out with a quarterly update on future potential opportunities at the company to stoke interest.The results are worth the effortWhile this approach to hiring requires diligence from everyone on the team, Epperson wholly believes in her method. She says it works particularly well in a small business like theirs where every employee interacts with the entire staff in a single day. Skills we can developpersonalities we cannot, Epperson says.Another bonus to this method, adds Epperson It also makes the onboarding much easier and less intimidating to new employees as they have met the entire team already.Three key takeaways1. Assume every candidate for every job is pipeline potential. If theyre gre at but theyre not a fit for a current opening, start vetting them for fit so you can hire them quickly when an opening comes up.2. Find a vetting process that works for you. If theres a specific skill you know you always need, consider giving candidates some font of test to assess for it.3. Get employees involved. It helps them stay invested in the growth and success of the team. Be sure that your team members are trained in hiring best practices, especially the dos and donts of what to ask in the interviewas well as how to conduct a legal interview.What a talent pipeline can do for your companyThe story behind Chartwell Agencys hiring success shows how effective a talent pipeline can be. And theres an added benefitby involving everyone in the process, it can strengthen your company culture and employer brand.How can your company get started? Give your team access to online tools that simplify the process and give your candidate pipeline greater transparency. A Job Ad provides acces s to free candidate management tools to track job views and applicationsall from your home page.

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